undue delay

美 [ˌʌnˈduː dɪˈleɪ]英 [ˌʌnˈdjuː dɪˈleɪ]
  • 过多的延误
undue delayundue delay
  1. The work should be carried out without undue delay .


  2. We will give notice of such defects without undue delay .


  3. Secondly , we should establish the right to be tried without undue delay time .


  4. Help ensure that homeless people receive offers of permanent housing without undue delay .


  5. Carefully remember the rule of undue delay ; slow play to ensure the process in order .


  6. However , the Buyer shall advise the Seller of such occurrence without undue delay .


  7. Rejected any form of referees and without undue delay can be not tolerated .


  8. This integrated approach provides for the streamlining of the preliminary engineering process and allows the design to progress without undue delay .


  9. The Purchaser shall without undue delay notify the Contractor In Writing of any defect which appears .


  10. In this paper , the author presents an analysis of the right to trial without undue delay and suggests improvement of the proceedings .


  11. In case of abnormities during patrol inspection , the operator shall report immediately to eliminate without undue delay .


  12. In exercising the inspections prescribed in the two preceding paragraphs , undue delay shall be prevented .


  13. The first half of the flow completes after the request is sent , allowing it to dispatch further requests without undue delay .


  14. Such compensation shall correspond to the real value of the property concerned at the time and shall be freely convertible and paid without undue delay .


  15. The party affected by the force majeure event must notify the other party without undue delay of the end of the force majeure event .


  16. The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes .


  17. At the request of the applicant , the competent authorities of the Member shall provide , without undue delay , information concerning the status of the application .


  18. Members shall ensure , with respect to any procedure to check and ensure the fulfilment of sanitary or phytosanitary measures , that : such procedures are undertaken and completed without undue delay and in no less favourable manner for imported products than for like domestic products ;


  19. These minor improvements have caused undue expense and delay .
